My Favorite Online Resources (by diagnosis) Part I

At the beginning of last semester, when I got my first clients, I panicked. I probably spent several hours for each client searching the internet for information on their diagnosis! While there are places online with resources by diagnosis, they were often too general, unrelated to speech & language, or they only took me to other websites. I was looking for articles and resources filled with evidence based practice and specific information regarding the diagnosis, it’s link to speech & language development, and hints/tips on what to actually do! So, I hope this blog post will be helpful for those of you like me.


**Note: Due to the overwhelming amount of information on a vast number of disorders, I limited this post to disorders primarily affecting children. I’ll do a post in the future regarding adults!

General (START HERE!!)

ASHA’s Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Speech-Language Pathology (this resource contains ASHA’s policy’s on assessment, intervention, and screening for a variety of ages and diagnosis’)

Fragile X

A Lesson Planning Guide: 157 pages and super informative on all aspects of working with students with Fragile X

Fragile X Syndrome Speech & Language

Voice Disorders

Voice Disorders Basics

Down Syndrome

Speech & Language Therapy for Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children

Speech & Language Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome

Selective Mutism

ASHA Overview on Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism and the SLP in the Schools

Selective Mutism Resources


Benefits of SLP Services for Stuttering

List of Internet Resources for Working with Children Who Stutter

Speech Sound Disorders

ASHA’s Overview on Speech Sound Disorders

Evidence Based Practice in Speech Sound Disorders Powerpoint

Speech Sound Development Chart

The Process of Articulation Therapy

Childhood Apraxia of Speech

ASHA’s Overview on Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Childhood Apraxia of Speech Resource Guide (Basics)

CAS Resource Library

Cerebral Palsy

EBP for Young Children (0-3) with Cerebral Palsy

CDC’s Cerebral Palsy Information & Resources

Hearing Loss

ASHA’s Information On Hearing Loss

Effects of Hearing Loss on Development


ASHA’s Autism Basics

Articles Including Information on Echolalia and Natural Language Acquisition


How The Brain Thinks In Autism

Executive Function Disorder

A page of resources from Cognitive Connections

PediaStaff also has a clickable resource organized by diagnosis and also by therapy type. While this website can be overwhelming, I found some of this information helpful in my quest. The link for that is here.

Hopefully some of these links were helpful! These are my personal favorites 🙂 If you see any missing diagnosis’ that you need information on, or if you know of any other great resources that should be added, let me know!! Thanks for your support and feel free to email me at

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5 thoughts on “My Favorite Online Resources (by diagnosis) Part I

  1. Hi everyone! My name is Bernice and my son is hyperlexic, technically hyperlexic 3. If you or someone you know have a child who taught themselves to read before the age of 5 and possibly had difficulty with oral language, please visit our website or come check out our FB page. There are lots of great resources to read about there. Help us spread the word!

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